How often will I get deployed as a Combat Medical Technician?
Anonymous asked a question to Combat
Category: Role Description
Date asked: Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Last reviewed: Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Tori C.
Regimental Medical Officer
How often CMTs are deployed is very variable and will predominantly depend on which unit they are attached to.
You can express a preference for which units you would like to be attached to each time you move, so if you would like to be deployed (or not!) it's worth doing some research into the various regiments.
A CMT attached to a regiment who is part of the Specialised Infantry Group may deploy several times a year, whereas a CMT attached to a headquarters that doesn't deploy often, is less likely to deploy at all in a year. Although it is possible to be temporarily attached to other units who are short of a CMT and need one to deploy with them.
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
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