Picture of As a keen footballer, are team sports /leagues available ?

As a keen footballer, are team sports /leagues available ?

Picture of Jen
Picture of Graeme
3 responses
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Anonymous asked a question to Combat

Date asked: Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Last reviewed: Thursday, September 5, 2024

Picture of Jen C.

Jen C.

Reservist Brigade SO2 SPS

Hi, sport is a key element within the Army and there are absolutely loads and loads of opportunities for every sport you can think of and probably some you've never heard of! There are opportunities to do overseas sports tours too. Football is huge in the army. If you find a local team near where you are based you could also join in with them too - you don't need to just join military teams or be constrained by your own unit/corps team. I hope this helps.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Picture of Graeme J.

Graeme J.

Royal Armoured Corp, Tank Crewman.

Hi, this is one of the reasons I joined having played civilian football prior to starting in the Army. After you get through training and into your Unit they will have a team. You will play against other Units normally on a Wednesday afternoon. Dependent on how good you are then you can also play at a higher level. I also played for the RAC a level up from my Unit. If you get to Army level then there are more opportunities. I also continued to play for a civilian football team on weekends when home. If you like sport then there is no other job that will also pay you and give you time to play football during work hours. I've also been on football tours to South Africa and America where we played against their Army Units teams while essentially being on holiday and still being paid. Additionally as I got older into my 40's and looking at stopping playing the Army paid for me to do my referee course and then I continued to referee games in work time. There are fantastic opportunities for you within the Army.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Vicky H.

Absolutely amazing answers. Thank you so much

Thursday, September 5, 2024

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