how often do people get selected to commission as an officer?
Lara W. asked a question to Combat
Date asked: Friday, June 25, 2021
Last reviewed: Friday, September 17, 2021
Jen C.
Reservist Brigade SO2 SPS
Hi Lara, there are a few steps to apply to be an officer as you have to pass the Army Officer Selection Board. These boards run throughout the year. THere are 3 intakes to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (where officer training takes place) Jan, May and Sept. Most intakes have around 300 officers.
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Lara W.
How often are people selected from an NCO rank?
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Jen C.
Reservist Brigade SO2 SPS
Hi Lara, it completely depends. There's no set limit of people who could commission from being a soldier. You need to have the right recommendations from your chain of command (bosses) and need to let them know that you are interested in commissioning. If you have the right recommendations, successful (mini) interview in unit etc then you go forward and have to do exactly the same selection process - Army Officer selection board. Usually with soldiers after they complete the 2 day Army Officer Selection Board Briefing they more likely than not are then selected to attend the Potential Officers Development Course (PODs) this is a course held at Worthy Down in Winchester (I think it's 11wks) and you do all sorts of things that help you develop as an individual, increasing confidence etc etc. You get so many opportunities to do different things. I used to teach on it and it is honestly (in my opinion) one of the best courses going!! Hopefully after this course once you attend the Army Officer Selection Board main board and are successful, then you attend Sandhurst.
There is no set limit of people that the Army officer selection board can choose - it is about who the right people are. It's about training in, not selecting out. I hope this helps.
Friday, September 17, 2021
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