Picture of Can you become a sniper in the Parachute regiment?

Can you become a sniper in the Parachute regiment?

1 response

Anonymous asked a question to Combat

Category: Role Description

Date asked: Thursday, August 22, 2019

Last reviewed: Thursday, August 22, 2019

James A.

Reconnaissance Platoon soldier

Thanks for your question.

Yes, as the parachute regiment is an infantry regiment you have the ability to pursue a career as a sniper.

The Guards and the Paras do all their courses together at a place called HDPRCC - Household Division Parachute Regiment Centralised Courses.

If you get selected and meet the criteria, you will attend a 9 week course in Pirbright, Surrey.

The sniper course is renowned for being one of the hardest courses in the British Army.



Thursday, August 22, 2019

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