I joined at 25, best decision I ever made.
First important thing I done with my career was to actually sign up to join the British Army. I was 25 at the time in a steady well paid job and actually took a pay cut in order to join.
Second important thing I done in my career was to say yes to moving into the MT Department as it aloud me to grow and gain experience managing a regimental fleet of vehicles. Allowing me to grow in terms of leadership and confidence.
Third important thing I done with my career was to take the 2 year position within the Recruiting Group, allowing me to grow as a soldier and person, it has also shown a different side to being a soldier. It has aloud me to give something back and actually help people with their future careers.
I organise the attract activities within the Worcester AO.
I organise and execute the attract events within the Worcester and Hereford AO's, This requires me to speak to recruit-able age personal who show an interest in joining the Army weather that be at careers fairs or going into schools, it also requires me to open some peoples eyes in terms of what we can offer them as an organisation. As some people are not aware that a career in the British Army isn't just a combat heavy regime.
Getting people through the door and into training.
My main motivation at the minute is to self the brand of the British Army to potential candidates and people that don't necessarily what the Army has to offer. I can do this by organising more events and getting out into the public domain in more face to face situations.
On a personal level its about promotion to Sergeant. Which comes hand in hand with me talking more people into joining the greatest fighting organisation in the world. If i get people to join, that will the result in promotion.
Do something you enjoy.
I left school with decent grades, and was a CNC Programmer before i joined the Army at 25. I could of carried on down the engineering side of things in the Army, but that isn't what I wanted to do. I wanted to join the Royal Artillery and work with the firepower that it offers. If you join the Army in a job role that you don't like or enjoy you will hate it and want to do something else. There are 200 jobs in the Army meaning there is something out there for you. You just need to apply yourself.
Passing Out, Promotion.
Pass off day is only something a soldier can understand and can describe. Unless you have experienced it yourself you will never understand it. So standing on the parade square with all your mates that you have just spent every second, of everyday with for 14 weeks is an honour. Very few people get to experience that.
Being recognised by your peers and senior soldiers, that you are good enough to promote is a massive confidence boost to you as a person and for your career. Marching out in front of your battery, saluting your Battery Commander and receiving your new rank slide is a great honour.