Can I join with eczema?
Additional information
I don't have severe eczema, mainly on the hands and this is mostly just dry flaky skin rather than inflamed. I barley moisturise anymore and any inflammation is quickly sorted with steroid cream which I also barley use.
Michael T. asked a question to Medical
Category: General
Date asked: Saturday, January 29, 2022
Last reviewed: Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Jen C.
Reservist Brigade SO2 SPS
Unfortunately this is a question that only the med team can answer on an individual basis. As you state you barely have it anymore then if you can answer the questions honestly on the questionnaire then do - don't necessarily highlight it if you don't need to. Your medical records will be pulled forward from your GP so if you have been to your GP for steriod cream recently then that will obviously show up and could make a difference to whether you can join or not. My advice (from someone who also has eczema!), if you are rejected on medical grounds, appeal!! It's long winded but definitely worth it. If you have flare ups the main issue could be basic training when you're exhausted and outside for 5 days digging shell scrapes - if it's going to flare that's when it will. If you can prove you put yourself in stressful situations or used to camping etc they are all good things you might want to think about if you do have to appeal. Really good luck and if you have any other questions please ask. Unfortunately until you apply you're just not going to know.
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
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