Is it possible to serve for a short period of time?
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I am unsure if joining the military full time is for me at this moment but I would love to try it out. Is it possible to serve for a short time either as a soldier or a officer. For example in my case instead of 29 days as a reservist, but maybe 2-3 months? I am assuming the experience would be great if I decide to return to the army full time as well.
Anonymous asked a question to Infantry
Category: Open positions
Date asked: Monday, November 14, 2022
Last reviewed: Friday, February 24, 2023
Jen C.
Reservist Brigade SO2 SPS
Hi, thanks for the question. The only way to really 'try before you buy' is as a Reservist as you can dip in and out of army life to an extent. If you join either as an officer or soldier you would usually serve as a minimum 4 years (this includes training (Phase 1 and 2)). During your basic training (phase 1) there is a time period that you are able to leave once this lapses you have to complete the 4 years due to the cost in training you and putting you through an apprenticeship / degree. I hope that helps. If you are currently a Reservist you could ask for a secondment to your Regular counterpart if that's the trade / capbadge you'd be interested in. There are plenty of individuals who join directly Reserves to Regulars and dependent on where they join they will keep their rank - this was quite popular during COVID when we had a spike of Reserve to Regular transfers. There could be an opportunity to be involved in the various Operations currently both in the UK and around the world where you could go for a few months depending on the commitment. If you're a Reservist now i would definitely engage with your RCMO or XO and see what they could do for you.
Friday, February 24, 2023
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