If I join the army scholarship scheme. Do I have to join the army afterwards?
Anonymous asked a question to British Army
Category: Eligibility
Date asked: Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Last reviewed: Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Georgina Z.
Marketing Manager
The point of the scholarship scheme is to financially support personnel who are suitable for the Army through their education. Details are: https://apply.army.mod.uk/how-to-join/entryoptions/officer-scholarship.
I had an Army scholarship through sixth form and a bursary at university and it helped me so much. I had minimal debt after university which was great as I paid off my student loans after a few years and was then financially in a great place and bought my first house at age 23 years.
Also, I got to go on lots of fun adventurous training courses and then joined Southampton University Officer Training Corps which was fab. I really recommend the scholarship scheme.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
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