I'm a Civil Engineer, what position can i apply for in the army
Anonymous asked a question to Engineering
Category: How to apply
Date asked: Friday, November 1, 2019
Last reviewed: Thursday, November 14, 2019
Fionidi C.
Officer Engagement
Hi Peter,
As a Civil Engineer there is an endless list of jobs you could apply for which you can find on the Army jobs website. Firstly you would need to decide whether you think the Officer or Soldier career path suits you best - I would advise going to an Army Careers Office to discuss this.
In terms of engineering we have two main Corps, the Royal Engineers (RE) which look after the infrastructure on the ground and the Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineers (REME). The REME specialise in the maintenance and repair of all the equipment in the British Army from Apache Helicopters through to medical equipment, Infantry weapon systems, bomb disposal robots etc.
As a REME Soldier there are 8 trades you could specialise in - Avionics Technician, Aircraft Technician, Vehicle Mechanic, Recovery Mechanic, Electronics Technician, Technical Support Specialist, Armourer and Metalsmith. You can find more detail on these trades and what they give you on the Army jobs website.
As a REME Officer you must have a STEM degree which is accredited by an Engineering body such as IET or IMECHE. This is because all of our Officers are required to be technically minded and make complex engineering decisions which may include risk to life. With the work that we carry out, over the course of 8 years, all of our Engineering Officers will become Chartered - paid for by the REME. Your degree, I suspect matches that criteria and so you would be eligible should you wish to go down this route.
Unfortunately I do not know much about the Engineers but there will be info on Army jobs about their career paths.
Hope this helps!
Thursday, November 14, 2019
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