What happens if you don’t pass your trade training?
Anonymous asked a question to Communications, Intelligence and IT
Category: Apprenticeships
Date asked: Sunday, January 12, 2020
Last reviewed: Monday, January 13, 2020
Kieran U.
HR Specialist Cpl
You will receive all the help and support possible from your training team in order for you to pass your trade training. It is in their benefit that you pass and they'll do everything in their power to get you through. However, if you are deemed unable to complete your particular trade training, you will most likely be re-traded within the same cap-badge or an entirely different one.
Stay positive when thinking about training and go into it with an open mind. I lacked confidence before joining, and like you thought I may fail training; but 5 years later I'm still here!
Monday, January 13, 2020
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