Picture of what happens at the assessment day?

what happens at the assessment day?

1 response

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Do they make you do push ups, if you mess up.

Anonymous asked a question to Combat

Category: Day to Day

Date asked: Saturday, March 14, 2020

Last reviewed: Saturday, March 14, 2020

James A.

Reconnaissance Platoon soldier

Not at all.

It is a 2 day interview, if you mess up then it will reflect your final grade and could potentially cost you a pass.

If you mean mess up as in fail something then you will get the opportunity to re visit assessment centre at a later date to re attempt it.

From top to bottom

5 question brief
Cognitive test
Literacy and numeracy if you require it
Command task
Fitness assessments - mid thigh pull, med ball throw and 2k run.
Final discussion/interview



Saturday, March 14, 2020

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