Wondering what your average day would consist in the HR role and also is there any chance for you to get to see combat?
Fi W. asked during the live chat Discover different roles in the Army to British Army
Category: Interview Tips
Date asked: mardi, mai 26, 2020
Last reviewed: mardi, mai 26, 2020
Nathan R.
Hi was wondering what your average day would consist in the HR role and also is there any chance for you to get to see combat? Thank you
mardi, mai 26, 2020
Holly J.
Financial Systems Administrator
Hi! Every day is a different day! Depending on what unit your with depends on what your days consist of
mardi, mai 26, 2020
Eden J.
Senior HR, Staff and Personnel Support
Hi Nathan, thank you for your question. An average day for me would start with morning fitness around 8am, followed by office work with a lunch break. a normal day would finish around 5pm
mardi, mai 26, 2020
Kieran U.
HR Specialist Cpl
You can be deployed with your Unit on overseas operations, including combat roles. If you are attached to an Infantry battalion for example, your secondary role would be working/training with them
mardi, mai 26, 2020
Nathan R.
As a HR specialist do you get to do extra sport after office hours like boxing for example. Thank you.
mardi, mai 26, 2020
Susan N.
Careers Advisor
That would depend on what Regiment or Corps you would be attached to, but most units work on the same daily routine.
mardi, mai 26, 2020
Kieran U.
HR Specialist Cpl
Boxing is big in the Army so yes. Good thing about the Army is you get to do it during working hours! If you are good enough you could spend a lot of time doing boxing for the regiment/battalion/Army
mardi, mai 26, 2020
Holly J.
Financial Systems Administrator
Yes! You can also do your boxing coach courses if that’s something that interests you
mardi, mai 26, 2020
Susan N.
Careers Advisor
You can do any sport in Army does not matter what corps you are.
mardi, mai 26, 2020
Nawa G.
Military Personnel Administrator (Combat Human Resource Specialist)
Yes indeed. Sport is a big thing in the army and you can be involved in any sports there is available in the army. so if you were interested in boxing, there is definitely an opportunity to try out
mardi, mai 26, 2020
Nathan R.
Perfect also do you have to get selected if you wish to progress to an accountant position or can any body from HR put there name forward for it. Thank you
mardi, mai 26, 2020
Seabrook B.
I’m looking to join the army very soon but I wanted to know if I would be able to spend my last year on school (year 11) in a army collage as I’ll be 16 just after I go into year 11
mardi, mai 26, 2020
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