Picture of I was thinking about joining in the infantry are there any qualifications or set fitness standards to join?

I was thinking about joining in the infantry are there any qualifications or set fitness standards to join?

18 responses

George O. asked during the live chat Discover different roles in the Army to British Army

Category: Eligibility

Date asked: mercredi, juin 10, 2020

Last reviewed: mercredi, juin 10, 2020

Macaulay A.

Outreach Team member

Hi George, for regular entry soldiers you don't require any, but for officer entry you do and for fitness standards you need to be able to pass the 2 km run in 10 minutes 15 seconds, mid thigh pull 76kg and a medicine pull throw at 3.1m

mercredi, juin 10, 2020

Macaulay A.

Outreach Team member

There is an app called 100% Army Fit that can guide you on your fitness

mercredi, juin 10, 2020

George O.

Hi Macauley. Thank you would you be able to help with the same question but for intelligence corps?

mercredi, juin 10, 2020

Macaulay A.

Outreach Team member

GCSE A-C/9-4 in English Language and 4 other subjects.
Fitness - Run 11 min 15 secs
Mid thigh pull - 46kg
Medicine Ball Throw - 2.9m

mercredi, juin 10, 2020

George O.

Ok thank you for that it really helps

mercredi, juin 10, 2020

George O.

Hi. Just wondering would I need to complete the beep test for the infantry, officer or intelligence corp if so what would I need?

mercredi, juin 10, 2020

Macaulay A.

Outreach Team member

For any role as an officer, you will need to do a beep test

mercredi, juin 10, 2020

George O.

Ok thanks. Is there a requirement for it or not?

mercredi, juin 10, 2020

Macaulay A.

Outreach Team member


mercredi, juin 10, 2020

George O.

Ok thank you Macauley

mercredi, juin 10, 2020

George O.

Are there any fitness tips you could give for the running and medicine ball throw and mid thigh pull, or would the 100% army fit app help with that?

mercredi, juin 10, 2020

Macaulay A.

Outreach Team member

Press-ups are good

mercredi, juin 10, 2020

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