Would you recommend A-Levels or AFC for someone who wants to be an Infantry Soldier?
Anonymous asked a question to Combat
Category: Qualifications
Date asked: mardi, mai 12, 2020
Last reviewed: mardi, mai 12, 2020
Katie -.
Staff Officer - Projects for People
Hi there,
Thanks for your question.
That’s a really personal question which only you can decide. I can give you a little more information which might inform your decision but at the end of the day it’s a choice only you can make, no option is better or worse than the other.
The Army Foundation College (AFC), Harrogate gets 16 and 17 year olds ready for a career in the British Army. They will teach you the military skills, fitness and education that you need for a great start in whichever part of the Army suits you. At the same time you will earn a good wage, get accommodation, take part in spots and adventurous training, and make friends for life.
If you choose to do A levels outside of the Army then you would have recognised, transferable qualifications that you could use and build on either whilst you are serving, or if you decided to leave. If you weren’t 100% sure that the military was for you, doing A Levels at a college would buy you an extra couple of years to decide. You would have more free time and not have any obligation to join the Army if you decided against it.
I wish you luck making your decision and if you have any questions please come back to me.
mardi, mai 12, 2020
James A.
Reconnaissance Platoon soldier
As mentioned, it all depends on where you wish to go in the future and when you want to join the army. I joined without any qualifications and I have gained a mass of them since being in the infantry.
If you decide to pursue A levels, you will be too old for AFC Harrogate.
A levels would be more needed for a trade, however the entry requirements for most trades within the army are GCSEs only as they will provide you with an apprenticeship.
GCSE’s/Level 2 maths and English are required when coming to promote within the infantry
Goodluck in whatever you pursue.
mardi, mai 12, 2020
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