Soldier OR Officer? What is the best option for someone who wants to be hands on yet have some command/authority?
Lara W. asked a question to Combat
Category: Career Advice
Date asked: Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Last reviewed: Thursday, June 10, 2021
Jen C.
Reservist Brigade SO2 SPS
Hi, it really does depend on the person (and qualifications). You can be a hands on officer but depending on capbadge you won't have the same, indepth knowledge as one of your soldiers for example a vehicle mechanic but as a pilot or nurse you will have exactly the same knowledge.
As a soldier you begin to have command at Corporal level but in some capbadges, ie a Royal Military Police Soldier you'd have command very early on due to situations you may find yourself in. It's a hard question as there's just so many variables. Sometimes, individuals join as a soldier and within a few years (quals and age dependent) they might decide to go for a commission. This could be seen as the best of both worlds.
Thursday, June 10, 2021
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