Anything I could be doing at 17 to work towards becoming an Army Doctor? (outside of working towards a medical degree)
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I have done nothing specifically Army related and I was wondering if there is anything I should be doing
Anonymous asked a question to Medical
Category: Career Advice
Date asked: Thursday, February 25, 2021
Last reviewed: Friday, March 12, 2021
Tori C.
Regimental Medical Officer
Usually I say to people that the Army is looking for good doctors, so the most important thing is to focus on getting in to medical school and then on your studies. The Army side of things can come a bit later, but it probably helps to show you are someone who would get on well with Army life. This doesn't need to be anything military specific, but might just be playing a team sport (or an individual one), being involved in anything that shows interest in extra-curricular activities, or an activity that shows leadership skills.
You could look at joining the cadets, or OTC when you get to university, and while these things may be helpful, they are not a necessity. If it helps, I didn't do OTC, but I did play for the university hockey team.
I hope that helps.
Friday, March 12, 2021
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