what steps do I need to take to become an army medic?
Lara S. asked a question to Medical
Category: Career Advice
Date asked: Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Last reviewed: Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Tori C.
Regimental Medical Officer
Hi Lara,
To army personnel, an army medic is a combat medical technician or CMT, but I know to those not currently serving a 'medic' can also be a doctor. So I will answer your question for both options!
CMT (Combat Medical Technician)
More information can be found here https://apply.army.mod.uk/roles/army-medical-service/combat-medical-technician
You need to be 16 years 6 months - 35 years 6 months old. You will need GCSEs in at least English language and Maths (A*-C or 9-4).
You first need to join the Army as a soldier, this can be quite a long process and it is described in more detail on our website here
In summary, you need to complete an online application form. You will then be invited to your local career office and they will help you start preparing for your visit to the assessment centre.
At the assessment centre you will have a medical examination (the doctor will review your medical records, ask you to do some basic movements to assess your muscles and joints, you will also have a hearing test, a sight test and a heart tracing, you may also be asked to provide a urine sample). You will also complete some physical and mental tests. You will be given advice on what fitness requirements you need to meet and how to prepare for this beforehand. The mental tests are primarily done on a computer. You will complete a team based assessment (for example you will be asked to solve a task as a team and your ability to work as part of that team will be assessed). You will also have a careers discussion.
After you pass the assessment the Army will do some background checks, and provided these are ok you will get an offer of employment.
To become a CMT you will complete basic soldier training which takes 14 weeks, then after this you complete the CMT course which takes 22 weeks.
If you wish to join as a doctor there are two main options
Apply while at medical school to become a bursar.
Apply during foundation year 1 to become a direct entrant.
More details on joining as a doctor can be found here
You go through the officer selection pathway rather than the soldier pathway when joining, and more information on that can be found here
There are a few minor differences for doctors joining, and if that is something you would like to know more about please do let me know.
If you have any further queries, or would like any more information please ask.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Lara S.
Thank you! Amazing! I’m definitely going to look into this more now I have a better understanding! Thanks for all your help! Stay safe
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
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