How can I become a CMT for a few years and afterwards, become a surgeon, also in the army?
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I am currently thinking about long-term decisions and ambitions for my future, however I am still in comprehensive school and haven't even started A levels (year 10).
Anonymous asked a question to Medical
Category: Role Description
Date asked: Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Last reviewed: Thursday, October 28, 2021
Tori C.
Regimental Medical Officer
If you wanted to do both roles, you would need to join as a CMT after you finish school, you could then do this role for a few years.
To then become a surgeon you would need to leave the army and apply for medical school (so you will need to make sure you do the right A levels and get the right grades at school). Once you have a place at medical school you can apply for a bursary, this would be £10,000 for your final 3 years at medical school. You would then need to do two years of foundation training in a JHG hospital. After this you do the short commissioning course at RMAS. That is followed by almost 3 years as a General Duties Medical Officer. In your final year as a GDMO you can apply for a specialty training job in surgery.
Personally, I would advise skipping the CMT step, as there isn't much you will do as a CMT that you won't do as a GDMO.
I hope that helps!
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Harriet C.
Registered Adult Nurse
To become a surgeon, you would have to leave the Army and train as a qualified doctor and then later on specialise in surgery. You would have to rejoin as a medical officer. You cannot train as a doctor in the Army.
Thursday, October 28, 2021
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