ADHD and recruitment
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Hi, I've got a diagnosis of ADHD of which has never caused me any problems, apart from boredom and struggling to engage at school more than others when not interested. I am currently on medication solely for academic purposes to help me reach my full potential whilst studying at University, whilst I have always achieved higher than average, i’ve always known I could do better. I’ve just gone to complete the medical declaration and noticed ADHD is mentioned. Is this going to be an immediate disqualification of my application on medical grounds, or should I continue with the application?
Anonymous asked a question to Tori C.
Category: General
Date asked: vendredi, août 13, 2021
Last reviewed: vendredi, septembre 10, 2021
Tori C.
Regimental Medical Officer
You can join the military with ADHD, however you would be required to meet certain criteria. I believe the current guidance is that you would need to have been off medication for a year and have had no issues with behaviour to be considered.
However, we do not recommend you stopping medication just to join the military. Any changes to medication should be discussed with your own doctor.
Best of luck with university.
vendredi, septembre 10, 2021
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