are job prospects better if you have a degre going in the intel corps? and is there specific rolls for int.rel students?
Additional information
I'm looking to study international relations at uni and considering to be an officer in the intelligence corps
Deiniol C. asked a question to Paul
Category: Role Description
Date asked: Monday, March 23, 2020
Last reviewed: Thursday, March 26, 2020
Intelligence Officer
Hi there, thanks for getting in touch.
So a degree is by no means required to join us as either a soldier or an officer. Most of our officers and many of our soldiers do have degrees. While they round you out and may teach you some valuable academic skills - they are by no means a requirement. We teach all of our analytical techniques in house, and actually do offer opportunities for subsidised higher education through the Army.
I hope that helps?
Thursday, March 26, 2020
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