I speak a few languages and relevant experience elsewhere. What would progression look like for a late joiner (31)?
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Currently a diplomat, always wanted to serve and want to do so before too late. Bilingual English-French and decent Chinese. Appreciate there's a process and willing to start from the bottom, but wondering what an army career looks like for an ambitious person that's too old to go down the officer route.
Anonymous asked a question to Communications, Intelligence and IT
Category: Open positions
Date asked: Friday, July 17, 2020
Last reviewed: Thursday, August 20, 2020
Intelligence Officer
So you would need to pass our specialist selection, including the Modern Language Aptitude Test for linguist roles, to be accepted into the Intelligence Corps. You will then attend Phase 1 and Phase 2 training.
You will pass out of training as a Lance Corporal, with the chance to promote to Corporal within 2-3 years.
Your previous experience will certainly be a help to you, while the Army will give you a range of new experiences!
I hope this helps,
Thursday, August 20, 2020
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