Are reservists charged for food and accommodation?
Anonymous asked a question to Reserves
Category: Employee benefits
Date asked: Friday, October 1, 2021
Last reviewed: Friday, October 1, 2021
Jen C.
Reservist Brigade SO2 SPS
Hi, it complete depends on where they are and what they are doing.
Most army sites are now 'pay as you dine' so you would pay for your food (something like £5 per day if you had all 3 (B'fast, lunch and dinner)) if you were on a course, but some courses (depending on what they were) you wouldn't - the same with accommodation (which if you are charged are charged at something like 75p per eve!). Accommodation charges also change depending on rank (ie an officer would pay more than a private soldier). If you were on a weekend away on an exercise (ie living in a field environment), you would get your 1st eve meal free (in the cookhouse) and all other meals would be ration packs or range type food (Stew etc) that you wouldn't be charged for and obviously no charge for accommodation. It really is a trick one to answer because it totally depends what you're doing! I hope this helps though.
Friday, October 1, 2021
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