Am I kidding myself about thinking to sign up at the age of 34?
Anonymous asked a question to Infantry
Category: Career Advice
Date asked: Friday, October 22, 2021
Last reviewed: Monday, November 15, 2021
LCoH Ashley O.
Recruiting Co-Ordinator at ACC Norwich
Good Afternoon, Thanks for your question.
In short, Not at all.
The army benefits from having soldiers whom join the army at a variety of stages in life, all of whom having key elements that they can bring to the table. Whether it be life experience, maturity or a natural fitness level and so much more, we still are keen to have people come from all walks in life and you would be surprised what you could still offer.
As long as you can meet the fitness standards, you will be given our top tier fitness and medical training in order to ensure that your age isn't a barrier to service life, and that you will still have the same opportunities as someone joining at a different stage.
Throughout my career I have served with people of all ranks and various ages. If you try to look at your age as a positive, i'm sure that you will be successful with a career in the British Army.
Hope that answers your question and best of luck for the future.
Monday, November 15, 2021
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