Picture of Hi Carl, I'm 39 and wanting to join the reserves, I had spinal surgery last year and have asthma, would this affect me

Hi Carl, I'm 39 and wanting to join the reserves, I had spinal surgery last year and have asthma, would this affect me

Picture of Steven
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Matthew R. asked a question to Carl S.

Category: Medical

Date asked: Saturday, June 1, 2024

Last reviewed: Thursday, July 11, 2024

Picture of Steven


Logistic Specialist (Supply)

Matthew, Your medical records will be checked when you join to assess if you're eligible. Spinal surgery/asthma may affect your application, but this would be decided by a medical professional. It's worth noting that applying doesn't mean that you're making a commitment to join. I hope that helps!

Thursday, July 11, 2024

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