Are you allowed to leave your barracks during basic training?
1 response
Anonymous asked a question to Jack S.
Category: Role Description
Date asked: Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Last reviewed: Thursday, October 24, 2024
Jack S.
So yes, you can. But this will depend on different factors, if for instance you attend AFC Harrogate, after completing your first six weeks, the weekends will be your own (Training team dependant). During Harrogate, they follow school terms which includes leave for one week or two. If you attend Adult Phase one training, this will differ slightly. You will still get a week of leave in the middle of your 14 weeks. As for weekends, I am unsure so hopefully another one of my Colleagues will be able to answer that.
Hope this helps!
Cpl Jack
Thursday, October 24, 2024
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