I like the idea of being in the Army but I don't want to kill people, is there a job where this is possible?
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I like the idea of being in the Army, but I don't want to kill people, is there a job that I could do which means I don't have to do this?
Johnson W. asked a question to British Army
Category: Career Advice
Date asked: Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Last reviewed: Friday, May 22, 2020
Piers B.
Corporal, Team Commander
Thanks for a great question. Being in the army can sometimes be a dangerous job regardless of what trade you are. We use the phrase "soldier first" to emphasize that every soldier regardless of trade should know how to defend themselves and others if it should come to it.
However should you feel strongly about not being put in a position to potentially have to do this there is roles that can mitigate this risk. Roles such as HR and medical would be less exposed to these risks and if you mention your beliefs before a potential deployment you may get the option to stay behind or move somewhere with zero chance of this happening. This would not affect you or your career whatsoever.
Ultimately your beliefs and views are your choice and the army will support you. This would be something to mention during selection and training so that the army system can point you in the right direction.
I hope this answered your question!
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Mark I.
Regimental Recruiting Warrant Officer
The aim of War is peace. You will be able to find a role within the Army that will still be of massive benefit that isn’t directly a combat role. Like combat support, logistics for example.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
James A.
Reconnaissance Platoon soldier
Nobody joins the army wanting to kill. The aim of our British army is protect the interest of our country
The majority of our combat roles deploy in a training and mentoring role working alongside foreign countries.
There are a vast amount of job roles available that support frontline combat roles.
The Job role finder on the British Army website will have a list of jobs to choose from.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Marcus A.
That is a nice question and I love that also
Friday, May 22, 2020
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