Would the army give you time off to get married even if you say your single on the application?
Jerome J. asked a question to British Army
Category: Application process
Date asked: Thursday, August 1, 2019
Last reviewed: Thursday, September 12, 2019
Greg H.
Royal Military Police NCO
Hi Jerome,
I joined the British Army as a single soldier but I am now married. The British Army likes to support everyone serving, be that single or married. You will of course be given time off to get married, so long as it fits in with your units operational commitments.
It is highly unlikely you will get any time off during your basic or trade training, but once you are at your first unit, approach your chain of command and ask them for help and advice. Your time off to get married will come from your annual leave entitlement.
If you need me to clarify anything, please ask!
Friday, August 2, 2019
Katie -.
Staff Officer - Projects for People
Hi Jerome,
When the Army asked what your marital status is and you state âsingle’, that doesn’t mean you don’t have a partner, just that you are not legally married to anyone. The Army understands that marital status’ change.
When it comes to the point you want to get married you’ll need to engage with your chain of command to ensure there is nothing in the forecast of events which might clash with the timing of the wedding. Your unit will want to support your request so it’s worth talking to the chain of command before you book any dates. There is always the chance that commitments in the military will change last minute so it is advisable to get wedding insurance.
As Greg has already stated above it’s unlikely that you would be afforded time off during basic it trade training, or some career courses so just make sure you enquire with your chain of command before making any promises of dates to your partner!
Hope this helps but feel free to come back to me if you want any further information.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Katrin W.
RLC Nurture Team NCO
Hi Jerome,
The Army has no issues with you getting married, as Katie and Greg have said about discussing with your Chain of Command.
I met and married my husband while living in Germany. We even got married on our camp and had the RLC Chefs cater for us and used the camps bar for our reception, the military Padre married us.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
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