zoe i wanted to know what is the best starting point would for me because i want be a mechanic in the army?im only 11
Pheobe-Addriann P. asked a question to British Army
Category: Role Description
Date asked: Saturday, November 23, 2019
Last reviewed: Monday, November 25, 2019
Zoe O.
Corporal, Adjutant General's Corps, Staff and Personnel Support AGC(SPS).
Hello Pheobe-Addriann, thank you for your question.
If it is vehicle mechanic you are interested in then these would be the best steps to take next.
You cannot apply for this role in the Army until you are 16 years and 6 months old so first of all focus on your school work and grades. For this role you need GCSE grade A-D/9-3 in at least English Language, Maths and Science. Work hard at school and achieve these grades.
When you are old enough to apply, this can be done on the British Army website.
I hope this helps.
Monday, November 25, 2019
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