What can you specialise as in Guards once you pass out of training?
Additional information
Trying to see what can I do once I finished basic training
Anonymous asked a question to Combat
Category: Role Description
Date asked: Thursday, March 12, 2020
Last reviewed: Thursday, March 12, 2020
James A.
Reconnaissance Platoon soldier
Thanks for your question. Check out a variety of roles below
A rifleman
A guards parachute platoon soldier
A sharpshooter
A sniper
An assault pioneer
A mortar platoon operator
An anti tank platoon operator
A reconnaissance platoon operator
A physical training instructor
A driver
A signaller
A storeman
Regimental police staff
Take your pick mate!
Hope this answers your question
Thursday, March 12, 2020
John V.
What is the role of assault pioneer?
Thursday, March 12, 2020
James A.
Reconnaissance Platoon soldier
An assault pioneer is a support asset that provides services such as explosive method of entry using plastic explosives, digging ability using JCB’s to assist with trench systems Aswell as supplying and building defensive positions. Entry methods using chainsaws. They also conduct water purification.
Hope this answers your question
Thursday, March 12, 2020
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