What is the day to day life like as an Army Legal Officer?
Additional information
Is there an option to conduct your training contract with the army?
Anonymous asked a question to HR, Finance and Support
Category: Day to Day
Date asked: mardi, mars 31, 2020
Last reviewed: lundi, avril 27, 2020
Rupert B.
No two days are the same! You might find yourself going to the gym to do a group Physical Training session, and then spend the rest of your day giving charging advice to Commanding Officers. Or, you might deploy on Exercise in support of a Brigade or Divisional HQ giving advice on the Law of Armed Conflict and the use of force. Or, you might find yourself in a Court Martial, prosecuting on behalf of the Crown. It depends on the role that you have, and what the Army is doing at the time.
We are unable to offer training contracts or pupillages in Army Legal Services. By the time you join, you will need to be qualified as a solicitor, solicitor advocate or barrister. However, you may start your application before you are qualified as long as the start date for which you are applying is after you are due to finish your training.
lundi, avril 27, 2020
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