How long is it after the interview till you go to training
Anonymous asked a question to Combat
Category: Role Description
Date asked: Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Last reviewed: Tuesday, April 21, 2020
James A.
Reconnaissance Platoon soldier
Thanks for your question.
The application process can vary for every applicant. This can be because of a few factors, the medical process can sometimes take longer due to the GP surgeries being busy etc. Especially with this current situation we are in.
Once you have had your interview know as ICD ( Individual Careers Discussion )
Your medical paperwork will be sent to your GP surgery.
Once they have completed it they will send the requested medical documents to the national recruiting centre to review.
Once they have reviewed they will either pass, request further information or reject it.
If you are cleared you will move on to the assessment centre where you will spend 2 days conducting various tasks/tests to see if you have what it takes to join the British Army.
If you are successful, you will be offered a training date. The training date will depend on your job choice. For example, skilled trades that require a long phase 2 due to completing an apprenticeship for your trade will have a handful of start dates every year that have limited spaces where as the infantry has an intake every month that will accept approx 48 soldiers on an intake.
It can take anything from a 4-6 months up to 2 years +. Depending on your medical, assessment centre and an intake date.
Hope this helps
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
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