What would be the role of a CMT attached to a section?
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Hi, I'm planning on joining as a CMT this year. I have my assessment date all sorted but I wanted to ask what would be the role of a CMT after phase 2, are deployments common for combat medical techs? What are working hours like? What units are you likely to be attached to?
Anonymous asked a question to Medical
Category: Role Description
Date asked: Thursday, July 23, 2020
Last reviewed: Sunday, July 26, 2020
James A.
Reconnaissance Platoon soldier
You have an option to what unit you get attached to, sometimes you may not get it but you have a choice of 3.
Your working hours, like the rest of the army will depend what your current role sis or if you are in the U.K. or deployed.
As a combat medic, attached to an infantry unit for example, could be expected to be on patrol with the infantry platoon to offer immediate first aid in any situation if required. There are also team medics within infantry sections to support but as a combat medical technician, you are the subject matter expert
Hope this helps
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Masha A.
How many people would usually be under your care as a CMT? How would promotion work for a CMT? Does it affect your role?
Cheers - Masha
Sunday, July 26, 2020
James A.
Reconnaissance Platoon soldier
I can’t give an exact answer but I’m guessing 30-40, maybe more. It all depends on your location and job etc.
Your qualifying courses as a cmt I’m assuming would be medical course related aswell as education and time served. You could aim to be a Corporal between 6-8 years, like most roles.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
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