Does reme have a support group to the paras?And more specifically(but highly unlikely)are the metalsmith involved in it?
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I know the royal engineers have an attachment to the paras and commands, but dose the REME?
Anonymous asked a question to Engineering
Category: Open positions
Date asked: Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Last reviewed: Thursday, May 13, 2021
Peter S.
REME Workshop 2nd in Command
All of the units that make up 16 Air Assault Brigade have REME attachments in the form of Workshops or a Light Aid Detachment depending on numbers. There are several units within the brigade with opportunities to serve as a metalsmith. 16 Air Assault are always looking for keen and motivated soldiers to serve and having the aspiration for service with either 16X or 3 Commando Brigade is fantastic to see.
Thursday, May 13, 2021
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