I have just applied for the army, but I still have a little bit of doubt that is slowing me down and holding me back
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I know I want to pursue a career in the army 100%. Is this a normal thing?
Peter K. asked a question to British Army
Category: Application issues
Date asked: Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Last reviewed: Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Zoe O.
Corporal, Adjutant General's Corps, Staff and Personnel Support AGC(SPS).
Hello Peter thank you for your question.
Of course it's normal to have doubts about the Army, it is a life-changing career and this can be quite daunting. Let me reassure you though that it is worth it.
I had no military friends or family when I joined so I had no idea what to expect and I was nervous and also had doubts asking myself 'is this really for me', 'what if I fail'?. I disregarded these doubts and went for it anyway. I have now been in for eight years and I honestly don't look back. The Army has given me so much, I have travelled to all different countries including Chile, Nepal, Malta and Kenya, I gained my driving licenses paid for by the army, I have received some great educational qualifications too. Not only this, you also have free medical and dental care, free access to gyms and fitness sessions, subsided accommodation and food and the opportunity to travel and work abroad.
If you have applied to the Army and have been successful, then my advice to you would to be just go for it. You have said you want this 100% so just take the leap and it will be worth it. It's an amazing career with so much to offer.
I hope this helps
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Peter K.
Thank you so much! That's just what I needed to hear
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
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