Can you become a pilot with no quals one you become L/Corporal in other roles?
Additional information
I have read on an Army forum site that this is possible. I am joining RE with 6 GCSE's and was wondering if this is an option.
Anonymous asked a question to Combat
Category: Role Description
Date asked: Saturday, March 7, 2020
Last reviewed: Saturday, March 7, 2020
Madeline J.
Wildcat Pilot
Hi there,
Thank you so much for getting in touch with your question.
Yes, it is possible to become a pilot both as a LCpl and from a capbadge other than the AAC.
To become an NCO pilot the minimum you require is to be a LCpl with a recommendation for Cpl on your SJAR (report) and to have passed the AAC pilot selection tests. This takes 3-4 years on average once passing out of phase 2 training.
If you are keen for the pilot role then I would recommend you give phase 1 and 2 training your best effort and try to get the best reports you can initially. Once you are into your first unit, I would make it known that you are interested in becoming a pilot and you should get some further advice on how to start applying for the selection tests.
I hope that helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Have a good weekend,
Saturday, March 7, 2020
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