Picture of Do different training courses and schools take place at any specific bases and none other?

Do different training courses and schools take place at any specific bases and none other?

Picture of Katie
1 response

Evan W. asked a question to Combat

Category: Role Description

Date asked: Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Last reviewed: Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Picture of Katie -.

Katie -.

Staff Officer - Projects for People

Hi Evan,

Thanks for your question.

Most of the Corps and Trade specific training will take place in single locations as that allows us to concentrate our expert instructions in one place to provide the best possible training. A few examples would be that infantry training takes place in Catterick, Armoured Corps training in Bovington, and Artillery training in Larkhill.

I hope this answers your question but if you wanted to know something more specific please come back to me.


Wednesday, May 6, 2020

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