Do you tend to have the best and the worst days in the army, rather than anything in between?
Anonymous asked a question to Combat
Category: Role Description
Date asked: Sunday, November 3, 2019
Last reviewed: Friday, November 22, 2019
Adam T.
Regimental Support Team
Every day in the Army is different and everyone enjoys different parts.
I can only speak for the infantry but starting out as a private soldier, one day you could be doing training on assault courses, the next you could be learning how to clear buildings in small teams.
For me, and I think I can speak for most of the insiders, the variety in the job and the fact you can do so many different things day to day has kept it interesting. The best/worst days are just days.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Katie -.
Staff Officer - Projects for People
Hi there,
Thanks for your question.
I agree with Adam above that everyday is different and different people will enjoy different things.
Whilst it would probably be fair to say I have had some of the best, and worst days of my life whilst serving, that is not everyday. Most days fit in between those and just become the norm.
It is a common misconception that we are always deployed on operations. When we are not deployed, and back in barracks, we will be training hard but enjoying the company of our friends who become more like family. Although they are normal days they are generally good fun and certainly never boring!
Monday, November 18, 2019
Greg H.
Royal Military Police NCO
Great question. Life in the army can be a very different experience for everyone. As a member of the Royal Military Police, I have had some amazing days and some truly heart breaking days. I have also had many, many run of the mill days like anybody in any walk of life will have. I think the one thing that sets the army apart from other ways of living is the camaraderie and sense of belonging. I work and live with people who "get it". They know what I am going through and they can support me the same way I support them. As Katie says above, the people you work with become like family and get you through anything.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
James A.
Reconnaissance Platoon soldier
Thanks for your question.
No day is ever the same in the army. One day you could be sat in a restaurant in the french alps skiing, the next you could be sat in a 1.5 million pound armoured personnel carrier on operations,
The worst days you have you will look back and laugh at, it’s all part of the journey.
Friday, November 22, 2019
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