Are the fitness standards a lot higher for a CMT? Any tips for training? Any day to day experiences as a CMT too?
Amanda K. asked a question to Medical
Category: Career Advice
Date asked: Sunday, March 29, 2020
Last reviewed: Monday, March 30, 2020
Tori C.
Regimental Medical Officer
The fitness standards for entry are the same as other soldiers and can be found on the Army website . Once you are a CMT you are required to meet the fitness standards for RAMC (Royal Army Medical Corps) personnel. These standards are not as high as they are for infantry soldiers.
There is information on how to prepare here.
Don't worry about pushing yourself too far prior to joining, especially in regards to weight carrying, they will build you up gradually during phase 1 training, doing too much without proper guidance can lead to injury.
I am afraid I am not a CMT but I know a little a bit about their job. Day to day activities will vary greatly depending on where you are posted. If you are attached to a medical regiment you will have a weekly routine which will include physical training, clinical teaching sessions, maintenance of equipment etc..
If you are attached to a regiment in a clinical job, you will do the above and will also be involved in helping with sick parade (seeing patients in the morning) and helping provide medical cover for regimental sporting events.
I hope that helps.
Monday, March 30, 2020
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