Are you required to move around a lot? Do you have any choice as to which barracks you're posted to?
Additional information
I'm female and will soon be 30, I have a degree but no experience with the armed forces
Anonymous asked a question to Holly J.
Category: Role Description
Date asked: Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Last reviewed: Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Holly J.
Financial Systems Administrator
Hey! Thanks for the question. As HR, you usually move around every 3 years. This can change though due to exercises, deployments, extensions, welfare reasons and it could also change because of your assigned job or where your posting is. I’ve had one posting which was 3 and a half years and the one I’m in now, is only a year. When your halfway through Trade Training at Worthy Down, you have to fill in your Posting Preferences, you get three choices. You can select by location or by job role (staff, instructor, regimental duty). Majority of the time everyone gets their first choice but if not, you will then get your second or third choice.
Hope this helps! If you have anymore questions, please get in touch!
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Thank you! Can you stay in one place for more than three years?
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Holly J.
Financial Systems Administrator
You can extend but it’s usually only for a year.
Also if you promote and there is a gap available for your new rank, you can be asked to be placed into it, but it isn’t always a definite as there may be someone already lined up for that job.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
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