Picture of What's life like being in the army as a woman?

What's life like being in the army as a woman?

Picture of LCoH Ashley
4 responses

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I am doing some research of how over the years society has changed for women in the army. I would like to know how you get treated, if there is any types of abusive behaviours still going on which is left unresolved.

Anonymous asked a question to Combat

Category: Diversity

Date asked: samedi, novembre 20, 2021

Last reviewed: dimanche, novembre 21, 2021

Picture of LCoH Ashley O.

LCoH Ashley O.

Recruiting Co-Ordinator at ACC Norwich

Good afternoon and thankyou for your question. I can't speak for women in the army as Im not one of them. However, in the army, we have no female soldiers. We have soldiers, and that is how everyone in the army will perceive each of their colleagues. It makes no difference what your race, gender, sexuality or however else you identify yourself. I understand there may have been issues in the past with regards to equal opportunities, however I can say with confidence that this is no longer the case. All of us strive to create the best possible opportunity for everyone who joins the army. It's imperative that not only do we follow the policy and instructions passed down from the chain of command with regards to this, but we must also understand it and make a conscious effort to stand up where issues arise and make The change that will benefit everyone in the long run. A good quote I personally like to live by is - "be the change you would like to see" In the past 9 years of my career in the army I have seen a drastic change in this area. Not only from the army but from the whole world. I hope that someone else is able to provide you a more personal experience with regards to your question, but I hope to have provided you with a little insight along the way from my own perspective. If you have any other questions I'll be happy to help

samedi, novembre 20, 2021


Thanks for your reply, however, some women as i can see from my research there is still gender inequality with regards to job roles, do you agree with the statement that women are "weaker" than men?

dimanche, novembre 21, 2021

Picture of LCoH Ashley O.

LCoH Ashley O.

Recruiting Co-Ordinator at ACC Norwich

Good morning. I would be very dissapointed to hear if what you're saying is true, I have not come across any of this in my time in the army. As I said above, we strive to allow everyone the same opportunities and this is criteria which is met on a daily basis. With regards to the statement you mentioned, I think it's a load of rubbish to be completely honest. I have come across multiple occasions where women have out performed men in a variety of different tasks, both in tasks which require academic skills and also physically demanding tasks, and so much more. I would challenge anyone in the army to say otherwise as I'm certain that examples of this fact have been seen across the British Armed Forces as a whole. I'm sorry if what you've heard puts you or anyone you know off of joining the army, but what I can guarantee is that the army is committed to ensuring all of its soldiers and officers receive an equal opportunity in regards to all aspects of their life, one which the majority grasp with both hands and take to excel them to the places they want to be.

dimanche, novembre 21, 2021

Picture of Jen C.

Jen C.

Reservist Brigade SO2 SPS

As a female who's been in the army since 2004. There has been much in the news recently but that is only from a small sample of women over the thousands that have served and those still serving. I was on a course that started with 2 females but due to injury my colleague had to leave. On a really physically demanding course I don't think any of the lads would ever have said i was weaker as a female. Yes, i might not have been the fastest or the strongest but we all got each other through that course - utterly and completely regardless of gender. If there is anyone (regardless of gender, race, religious beliefs etc - ANYONE) who feel they are discriminated against in any way the military will investigate and stamp down hard! As a female in the army, i don't see myself any different from the males. It's a job and we just do a job! One brilliant thing about being a female in the military is we never have to queue for toilets on a course or something like that. Personally i really struggle with people saying how discriminated women are in the army - in every walk of life you can see how all companies and policies have changed over the years and progressed and the army is no different. I love my job (my role and being in the army). It's something i'm proud of. I've made some amazing friends, got to travel the world and do and learn things about myself that i never would have had i not joined.

dimanche, novembre 21, 2021

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