Picture of Can I do a university degree while training to be a ceremonial gunner??

Can I do a university degree while training to be a ceremonial gunner??

Picture of Katie
2 responses

Anonymous asked a question to British Army

Category: Role Description

Date asked: Monday, August 19, 2019

Last reviewed: Monday, September 30, 2019

Piers B.

Corporal, Team Commander

You could not be a full time soldier as well as full time at University. However you could join the army reserve and do the training in your spare time. It's a great way to balance both careers and can be a great gateway to full time career in the army.

Hope this helps!

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Picture of Katie -.

Katie -.

Staff Officer - Projects for People

Hi there,

Thanks for your question, the answer all depends on whether you are studying part time or full time.

If you are a full time student then you could absolutely join the Reserves and continue to study alongside that commitment. I did this and it provided a welcome relief from my studies, some amazing sporting and adventurous training opportunities, and some well needed funds!

If you are studying part time and want to join the Regular Army it will depend on the hours you are committed to on your course. It is unlikely that you would be able to study whilst in training as the tempo of training is full on and you need to give it your full attention. Once you get to your Regiment or Corps you’d then need to discuss it with your chain of command. I was able to release a couple of my soldiers to study degrees, allowing them an afternoon a week to study, and releasing them from non-essential duties to allow them to attend night school twice a week. However, they understood that the needs of the service still came first and that I could not guarantee being able to release them from work. They explained this to their tutors who were very understanding. The programme of ceremonial units is generally very busy so you may find you do not have the time to commit to studying too.

The Army actively encourages all ranks to continue with their education and personal development so they will always try to support you and release you to study when able.

I hope this helps in answering your question but please come back to me if you want to know more.


Monday, September 30, 2019

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