do you get to choose which regiment you are attached to as a combat medic and what is the most rewarding part as a medic
Anonymous asked a question to British Army
Category: Experience
Date asked: Friday, October 4, 2019
Last reviewed: Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Tori C.
Regimental Medical Officer
Hopefully Luke W. will be able to answer your question in more detail.
On completion of your Phase 2 training (the course you do to train as a CMT) you will be given a list of available jobs, you are then able to rank these in order of preference. Of course not everyone can get their first choice, so a board will then sit to decide who goes to which job. They will take into account your reasons for choosing a job, whether they feel you are suitable, and how well you have done during training compared to the other CMTs.
As for the most rewarding part of being a medic, I will leave that to Luke to answer!
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Thank you for the information
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
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