Hey, I'm 16 and I'm 1st year of collage. How can I best prepare for the officer fitness requirements?
Anonymous asked a question to Combat
Category: Work experience
Date asked: Friday, November 15, 2019
Last reviewed: Monday, November 18, 2019
Katie -.
Staff Officer - Projects for People
Hi there,
Thank you for your question. It’s great to hear that you’re starting to prepare for your selection.
There are specific tests you'll need to take during officer selection and pre-entry tests. There is an obstacle course, for which you’ll need a decent level of fitness but mostly confidence and determination, and a Beep test (Multistage Fitness Test). You’ll need to run between two lines, 20m apart in time with a beep. The beeps get steadily faster. Your score is based on the point where you can no longer keep up. You need to reach level 8.7 to pass.
In addition to these you’ll have to complete the new Army fitness test, details on the tests, and how best to prepare can be found at the following link;
Good luck with your training.
Monday, November 18, 2019
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