i signed up for harrogate collage would you say that it is good and worth it, for the training?
Anonymous asked a question to British Army
Category: Eligibility
Date asked: Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Last reviewed: Monday, February 24, 2020
Zoe O.
Corporal, Adjutant General's Corps, Staff and Personnel Support AGC(SPS).
Hello. Thanks for your question.
Due to your age, Harrogate isn't an optional place to carry out your Basic training if you are wishing to join the Army. Harrogate is a good place to train because not only will you learn all the military skills required to be a soldier, you will also carry on with studies and education. I did my basic training at Pirbright because at the time I was 19, but from speaking to people who I now work with who did their training at Harrogate, they really enjoyed the experience and it is well worth it.
I hope this helps
Monday, February 24, 2020
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