How many available medical OCdt bursaries are offered on average & how many applicants apply annually on average?
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I’d really appreciate any insight, to gage how competitive the scholarship is, thank you
Anonymous asked a question to Medical
Category: General
Date asked: Friday, January 15, 2021
Last reviewed: Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Tori C.
Regimental Medical Officer
A very difficult question to answer I'm afraid!
The number of applicants has increased, both from medical bursars and from direct entrant doctors. I mention this as often those who don't get the bursary will reapply later on when they finish medical school as a direct entrant, and the overall number of doctors joining the army is decided by the army manning team, so more bursars means less direct entrants and vice versa.
As the number of available bursaries can vary as the manning requirement varies (and the requirement is reducing as we have better manning than in previous years), and the number of applications is equally as variable (but seems to be increasing), I am afraid I wouldn't even be able to take a guess at it. 'Very competitive' would be my best attempt.
Sorry! Best of luck with your application.
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
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