Can you work as a GDMO after maternity leave on a LTFT contract like in the NHS, before choosing speciality training?
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How easy is it to start a family whilst serving in the army and as a doctor?
Anonymous asked a question to Tori C.
Category: Career Advice
Date asked: Monday, February 22, 2021
Last reviewed: Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Tori C.
Regimental Medical Officer
Good question, and I honestly am not sure of the answer! The army does now support LTFT working (although it is case by case and only on a temporary basis - 3months to 3 years), but I have not heard of any GDMOs doing this. I expect it would be assessed on an individual basis, however as GDMOs are often held at high readiness and deploy frequently, I am not sure whether or not it would be approved.
I would say that GDMO life is pretty relaxed, and it would be fairly standard to have 2 afternoons off a week, and it would be unusual to finish work after 1630. Provided you aren't deployed/on exercise there is unlikely to be any night or weekend work. When you return from maternity leave you are not deployable for 6 months so you have a bit of stability. It depends what you're after, but if I am honest, GDMO felt a bit like LTFT anyway after a busy NHS job!
Personally, I didn't want to start a family during GDMO, as it's a really fun 3 years and I wanted to make the most of the opportunities to go away and enjoy army life, and I think most of my colleagues felt this way as well, although I do know of some GDMOs who have started families.
Most doctors will start a family during specialty training or afterwards. The army maternity/SPL package is very generous, and the deanery and chain of command are very supportive of anyone who does take time out of training.
Lots of military doctors have families and balance their work and personal life very well, but it isn't for everyone, and some do leave once they start a family.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Thank you, this was super helpful! I will actually be 27 when I finish medical school as I didn't go straight from school so starting a family will be a priority after FY1 & 2 but I also appreciate my journey may not be as linear as normal. It is just good to be able to gauge how do-able it may be in the Army.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
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